Preparing for your next Italy lake region walking tour
This isolation period is difficult for everyone, staying home and not being able to see friends and family (at least not physically anyway). We all find various activities to do to keep ourselves busy: cooking, gardening, playing or a little spring cleaning and if possible, just taking the time to enjoy a slower way of life and relaxing a little. After all, the isolation will not last forever and soon the old patterns and routines will be back to haunt us!
Whilst you cannot physically travel anywhere in the world right now, you can begin to plan for a brighter future and start thinking about your next walking or cycling holiday abroad. We are regularly putting up new trips on our website in various destinations (2 new walking holidays in the Azores and 1 new Portugal self-guided walking tour) so why not take a look and dream of your next getaway?
Today, we have come up with a double whammy: a fun activity for all the family to help keep your mind active and prepare for your next walking holiday in Italy. Why Italy? Well, why not! Just picture the food, the weather, the lakes, the landscapes and imagine yourself sitting on a café terrace, overlooking Lake Como with a refreshing drink in your hand…. And to pass the time between now and then, why not brush up on some useful Italian phrases and you’ll be a pro by the time you get there!
We suggest writing down these phrases on pieces of paper in either English, or Italian, or both, and then putting them into a hat (or box) and taking turns to pick one at random. If the word is written in English, then the person has to come up with the Italian equivalent and vice versa.
Buona fortuna! (Good luck!)
1. How to greet people :
Hello : Buongiorno or Ciao (if you say Ciao, you’re a real Italian!)
Good evening : Buonasera
How are you? : Come sta?
Please : Per favore
Thank you : Grazie
You’re welcome : Prego
Good day : Buona giornata
I’m sorry : Mi dispiace
See you soon: A presto
Goodbye : Arrivederci or ciao
Good night : Buona notte
2. Answering yes or no :
Yes : Si
No : No
3. Useful everyday phrases :
Excuse me: Scusa
I do not speak Italian : Non parlo italiano
Do you speak English? : Parla inglese?
I do not understand : Non ho capito
How much does it cost? : Quanto costa?
Today : Oggi
Yesterday : Ieri
Tomorrow: Domani
Morning : Mattinà
Afternoon: Pomeriggio
Evening : Sera
Night: Notte
I am late : Sono in ritardo
4. To ask the way :
Excuse me, I am lost : Mi scusi, sono perso (for a man) / persa (for a woman)
The toilettes : Il bagno
The restaurant : Il ristorante
The bar : Il bar
The square : La piazza
The post office : La posta
The town hall : Il municipio
The church : La chiesa
The supermarket : Un supermercato
A bakery : Una panetteria
A banque : Una banca
The hospital : L’ospedale
5. Food related :
I’m hungry : Ho fame
I’m thirsty: Ho sete
To eat : Mangiare
Drinks : Bevande
Starter: Antipasto
First course / Second course: Primo piatto / Secondo piatto
Dessert : Dolce
It’s delicious! : E delizioso!
Pizza : Una pizza
Pasta : Pasta
Coffee : Un caffè
Water : Acqua
6. Transport :
Car : Auto
Bus : Autobus
Train: Il treno
Boat : La nave
Taxi : Il taxi
Bike : Bicicletta
Return journey : Andata / ritorno