Your walking tour in Normandy

Our walking tours in Normandy are an opportunity to discover this region with its varied landscapes and its sumptuous monuments and will make you travel in time, but also through the world!
From the D-Day beaches to the Mont Saint Michel: dive into its unique and fascinating history. The Pointe de la Hague, will transport you across the Channel to the Irish lands, with its wild coasts and its green and hilly landscapes. The unique climate on the tip of the Cotentin, very mild in winter and summer, is very attractive to tropical plants!
It is not uncommon to see palm trees in the gardens and even in downtown Cherbourg.  The most beautiful illustration of this unsuspected vegetation is undoubtedly the Garden of Vauville, plants and trees coming from South America, Australia, New Zealand or China adapt perfectly to Normandy, do not hesitate to walk in this Botanical garden, a change of scenery guaranteed!  
The villas of Trouville sur Mer and Deauville will take you back to the 19th century, the time of the first sea baths and the creation of seaside resorts.
During your Normandy trek, the half-timbered villages remind you of the medieval architecture, because at that time the Auge region was covered with 80% oak trees and the inhabitants used this raw material for their houses, which today make the charm of this landscape in its green setting. Now get your shoes and backpacks for unforgettable hiking trips in Normandy!

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      • 8 days
      • From March to October
  •   Accommodation choice :

      • Simple
      • Comfort
      • Charming

Highlights of the trip

  • You walk through history discovering the D-Day landing beaches
  • Visit the mystical Mont Saint Michel
  • The pretty fishing ports of Barfleur, Port en Bessin, and Port Racine
  • Delicious local cuisine including scallops and fresh cream

    Customize your holiday here 

      • 8 days
      • From April to October
  •   Accommodation choice :

      • Simple
      • Comfort
      • Charming

Highlights of the trip

  • A walk through history: discovering the D-Day landing beaches
  • Beautiful walks in the Cotentin and the Nez de Jobourg
  • Exploring the infamous Mont Saint Michel
  • Pretty fishing ports of Bafleur, Port en Bessin & Port Racine

    Customize your holiday here 

Hiking and trekking in Normandy

Whether it's a weekend hike or a longer stay, our Normandy hiking trips can be adapted to your pace and your desires.
Our hikes are easy and accessible to occasional hikers. Lodged in good quality accommodations, some stays offer a unique setting and allow you to meet exceptional people in very warmly welcomed guest houses. 
With visits and tastings, our stays perfectly combine nature and culture, land and sea, effort and comfort.  
So don't hesitate any longer for your Normandy self-drive vacations with family or friends, Normandy is waiting for you.