Walking from Burgundy to Provence wine trails
    • France - Burgundy
    • 8 days
    • Walking
    • Self-guided
      • From March to November
    • 2 - 10 travellers
      • Simple
      • Comfort
      • Charming
      • Trip code : E1103

Walking from Burgundy to Provence wine trails - trip info

    . Passport with 6 months validity from the end of the stay is required.
    . For further Brexit travel advice, check here
    . We advise you to bring a photocopy of your original documents and keep them with you during your trip, separate to the original ones. 

    . No vaccination requirements
    . Health infrastructure is, of course, satisfactory everywhere, but the cost of care in some private facilities requires checking all the clauses of the insurance contract before departure.

    . As you are travelling abroad, it is your responsibility to have an adequate valid travel insurance.
    . Bring a copy with you, and please forward us all information (company name, contract number, and international 7/7 assistance contact).

    Burgundy's climate is oceanic with semi-continental tendencies.
    - In spring, temperatures rise gently and rainfall is moderate in March and April, but a little heavier in May and June.From May onwards, temperatures are mild.
    - The climate is very pleasant in summer: temperatures are warm and rainfall moderate.
    - Autumn is cool and wet: temperatures are mild in October, then gradually cool down. Rainfall is moderate until November.

    . France is on a 220 Volt system
    . We recommend checking if you require an adaptor for your electrical items HERE 

    . Contact your operator before leaving and check if you will be able to use your mobile phone abroad. 
    . A good option is to buy a “country Sim card” in a phone shop. It will cost you around 10€ / 15€ and will allow you to call local phone numbers with internet access

    . The currency is the €uro. Make sure to have some cash with you as there aren’t always ATM machines in small villages.
    . Tips are always included (different than in Canada and USA) but always appreciated.
From the blog
Walking from Burgundy to Provence wine trails
      • France - Burgundy
      • 2 adults (2x1200€)
      • 0 children (0x1200€)
    • 8 days
    • Simple
Total 2400€
Deposit 900€